Teen Therapy

We as adults can take language for granted. Children on the other hand naturally gravitate towards games and make-belief to tell their experiences. However, therapy with teens/tweens can often involve a mix of both talk and play.

As digital natives, teenagers these days are met with unprecedented challenges in navigating what is their story and their feelings.  While their young minds are demanded to “be” in more places nowadays, the room for them to stretch their growing spirits has not particularly caught up. This can place a huge weight on both child and their families who are already going the extra mile. Untreated, concerns such as emotional withdrawal, learning difficulties, anxiety, acting out, and substance use can worsen with time. Separation, divorce, and gender & identity development, among other life circumstances, can further affect both parent(s) and child in adjusting.

With these and other life challenges, more support is often needed to relieve some pressure off of families in balancing home, peer, and school life.  If lucky enough, a psychotherapist will be invited to guide, reassure, and take part in deciphering the jumbled pieces that can be the modern youth experience. Some benefits of early intervention for adolescents and teens can include:

  • Building block to name and tolerate difficult challenges

  • Develop an internal “compass” for own feelings

  • Improve relationships and functioning with peers and family

  • Reduce frustration and learn adaptive ways of coping

  • Learn about one’s own identity and expand on sense of self

  • Increased ability for initiative and social interactions

  • Improve focus and confidence at school


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